Textbook services is located in the lower level of The Station (map).
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Textbook Services oversees Northwest's textbook rental program, which provides primary course textbooks to students on a rental basis for most undergraduate courses. Students are assessed a per-credit-hour fee for textbook rentals during each academic term.
Students pick up textbooks from Textbook Services at the beginning of each semester and must return the textbooks by 5 p.m. on the last day of final exams.
Late fees are charged when textbooks are returned late. A $10 fee accrues each day after the last day of final exams when textbooks are not returned and accumulate up to $50 when the student fails to return a textbook. After five days, students are assessed the $50 late fee plus the price of the textbook(s) not returned.
First-time freshmen and transfer students may elect to opt-out of the textbook rental program if they wish. Students who wish to opt-out of the textbook rental program must complete the Textbook Rental Program Opt-Out form and return it to the Office of Student Account Services by the following deadlines:
Students who elect to opt-out of the textbook rental program cannot opt back in and are responsible for purchasing textbooks at their own expense. Students are expected to have required textbooks for the start of each class. The Textbook Rental Program Opt-Out form can be accessed online and is available at Textbook Services.
Hours for picking up textbooks are posted before each semester. All students must verify online at the beginning of the semester before picking up textbooks.
Students should bring their Bearcat Card with them to pick up textbooks. Students may have someone pick up textbooks as long as they have verified and provided their 919#.
If textbooks are picked up after the designated times, a late fee is assessed to the student's University account. See the miscellaneous fee schedule for Late Textbook Pickup fee.
Students may purchase discontinued textbooks at a reduced rate. Students wishing to purchase textbooks may do so by contacting Textbook Services at 660.562.1150.
Textbook Services
The Station
800 University Dr.
Maryville, MO 64468
Phone: 660.562.1150
Students at Northwest pay a per-credit hour usage fee for most primary textbooks, and Textbook Services is available for online students. Northwest Online students may order primary textbooks for most undergraduate courses through Textbook Services by contacting nwtxbk@dominatedgirls.net. Include your Northwest 919#, the course numbers you are enrolled in and a shipping address.
Online students must pay for shipping charges on borrowed materials. All textbooks, CDs and other course materials borrowed must be returned to Textbook Services, 800 University Dr., Maryville, MO 64468, within one week after the day of the last scheduled final exam. A $10 late fee is assessed each day a textbook is not returned and may accumulate up to $50, plus the price of the textbook, CD or course material not returned.
Visit Online Professional Textbook Finder for information about Textbooks and Materials.
All textbooks for 600-level courses must be purchased elsewhere. All 100-500 level course textbooks may be rented through Textbook Services if a book is available. See the miscellaneous fee schedule for the current graduate student textbook rental rate.
Please email nwtxbk@dominatedgirls.net with questions related to textbook pickup or return.
Students who cannot return textbooks at Northwest’s Maryville or Gladstone locations should use the pre-paid UPS return label provided below by the University to ship their books. Students who use their own shipping label will not be reimbursed.
Any textbooks returned after Dec. 20 will be assessed late fees up to $50. Replacement costs for textbooks not returned also will be charged to the student. Ship to:
Textbook Services
Northwest Missouri State University
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468
For Spring 2025, students can pick-up their pre-packaged textbooks on the upper floor of The Station during these hours:
Date | Time |
Friday, January 10 | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. |
Saturday, January 11 | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Sunday, January 12 | 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. |
Monday, January 13 | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. |
Textbooks picked up after 5 p.m. Wednesday, January 15, 2025, are subject to a late textbook pickup fee.
If you are unable to pick up your textbooks, you may have someone pick them up for you as long as you have completed the online verification and the person picking up the textbooks has your 919#.
If textbooks need to be shipped for fall online courses, complete the request form below. Be sure to use a current shipping address.
Textbooks Shipping Request Form
Online verification opens Tuesday, August 20. You must complete your online verification before picking up your textbooks. If you have questions about verification, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 660.562.1151.
Northwest is unique in that it provides primary textbooks for undergraduate students. Textbook Services, located in The Station, pre-packages and issues textbooks to undergraduate students for each semester. Students pay a usage fee and are responsible for returning textbooks by the end of final exams to avoid late fees.
To update OP Textbook information for each term: OP Textbook Adoption Tool
To update Supplemental Textbooks for campus courses each term: Supplemental Textbook Adoption Tool
Supplemental materials as well as lab manuals, workbooks, etc., are ordered through the Bearcat Shop. Any other reference material requests should be submitted to the B.D. Owens Library.
Textbook Services
The Station
Northwest Missouri State University
Phone: 660.562.1150
Email: nwtxbk@dominatedgirls.net